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Mentoring Youth in Minnesota

Let's Go Fishing

Our approach to mentoring youth is centered around immersive outdoor experiences, life skills development, and access to community-based resources. Through these pillars, we aim to not only impart practical skills but also foster personal growth, resilience, and a sense of community among the youth we mentor. By combining the transformative power of nature with essential life skills and a supportive community network, we strive to empower young individuals to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and integrity.

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization

Reel Life, Inc.

Reel Life, Inc. was established in Minnesota in 2022 by Anthony Gardner, a passionate individual with a deep connection to nature. Having grown up in the heart of St. Paul, Anthony’s love for the outdoors has been a constant throughout his life. Childhood acquaintances fondly remember his days spent catching bugs, frogs, and turtles, followed by the creation of small ecosystems for these creatures before releasing them back into nature. Anthony’s early experiences instilled in him a profound appreciation for the environment and the transformative power of outdoor activities, laying the foundation for the mission and ethos of Reel Life, Inc.

Our Vision

To empower individuals towards a higher quality of life, our mission is rooted in fostering meaningful relationships, nurturing a profound connection to nature, and promoting increased self-sufficiency. We believe that by cultivating strong bonds with others, embracing the wonders of the natural world, and fostering self-reliance, people can unlock their full potential and achieve a more enriched and fulfilling life.

Our Mission

Mentoring Youth in Foster Care

Empowering the potential within every young individual, our mission is to cultivate resilience and personal growth through transformative outdoor experiences and a network of community-based resources. We are dedicated to providing mentorship that goes beyond the ordinary, instilling patience, confidence, and integrity, thereby equipping youth to confront life’s challenges with unwavering strength and determination.

Make a Difference

Join Our Mission to Support
Reel Life Inc.

Our ability to provide mentorship and support to the youth in our communities relies on the generosity of supporters like you. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the lives of these young individuals. There are two meaningful ways you can support Reel Life Inc.: through donations or by becoming a volunteer.

By donating, you directly contribute to the resources and opportunities that enable us to offer transformative experiences and guidance to the youth we serve. Alternatively, becoming a volunteer allows you to actively participate in our mission, sharing your time and expertise to make a positive difference in the lives of these young individuals.

For more information on how you can support Reel Life Inc. through donations or volunteering, please contact us. Your involvement is a vital part of our efforts to create a positive and lasting impact on the well-being and future of the youth in our communities.